Credit Analysis Ratios

20 March, 2020 by eensight

Credit Analysis Ratios: eensight’s E-Learning Solutions

When studying credit analysis ratios, you may believe the only way to become proficient in this specific area of credit analysis training is to enroll in a traditional, I’m-person style class where one must commit to a series of inconveniently times sessions which are often overpriced for the value they provide. With eensight, all of the new fits of a traditional, in-person classroom environment are there, yet without all of the negatives commonly associated with the traditional learning model. Here at eensight, we turn the traditional model upside down and allow you, the user, the choice and luxury of dictating when you’d like to learn, how you’d like to learn, and where you’d like to learn. Read on to learn more about our credits analysis ratios training program and how it can help you reach your goals through heavily researched and developed online learning tools.

Credit Analysis Ratios & E-learning

There are typically four credit analysis ratios covered in the majority of e-learning solutions provided within our series of courses. These ratios consist of: liquidity ratios, coverage ratios, leverage ratios, and operating ratios.

Liquidity ratios: these ratios are typically centered around the companies ability to pay off short-term expenses and liabilities if the company was to be liquidated of its assets. When the company is able to successfully pay off said expenses and liabilities on a consistent basis, the lender often examines this ratio lesser than a company which tends to experience a more “up-and-down” sequence of revenue.

Coverage ratio: This ratio tends to deal with more of the day-to-day operations of the company itself and its ability to pay and take on additional debt successfully without defaulting on the payments. A high ratio indicates the company is able to easily meet all of its interest-related obligations.

Leverage Ratios: A company which is significantly dependent upon debt in order to survive is said to have a highly leveraged ratio. This poses a greater risk for lenders and can subsequently place the company into a greater risk zone.

Operating Ratios: These ratios primarily focus on the management operations and how that impedes or promotes success from within the company itself. This ratio is the most vital as it affects the above ratios the most, without question.

How eensight Helps Expand Your Knowledge of Credit Analysis Ratios

Credit analysis ratios can at first seem to be a daunting undertaking, yet with eensight’s excellent online, e-learning solutions; you’re able to better your overall understanding of the processes involved and have you and your fellow colleagues on the path to greatness with flexible, functional, and fantastic online courses geared towards your learning style.

Choose eensight for Credit Analysis Ratio Training, Today!

Now that you’ve learned what eensight can offer, contact us to enroll in our online, e-learning courses today! We’ll be more than happy to further explain the benefits of doing so and how choosing eensight is one of the best choices you can make when it comes to bettering your career as a credit analyst. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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